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What Causes Halitosis (Bad Breath) and How to Prevent It!

  • By Marie Simon Dentistry
  • 12 Apr, 2019

Halitosis is just a fancy word for bad breath. We've all had our unpleasant first-hand experiences with it, whether we've smelled it on someone else or ourselves. While bad breath may be embarrassing, it can be hard to know what causes it or how to prevent it. We've made it easy for you! Here we've laid out some information about bad breath and tips on how to fight it. Fortunately, halitosis is usually very simple to treat or avoid!

Understanding Halitosis

Generally, bacteria are to blame for bad breath. Every time we eat, the bacteria living in our mouths eat the leftovers and leave behind sulfur compounds that stink. If those bacteria and their waste are not cleaned out regularly, halitosis will persist and other problems can arise. Over time, bacterial imbalances and bacterial overgrowth can cause gum disease or other oral health concerns.

Causes of Halitosis

  • Poor oral hygiene. Without brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash daily, bacteria and their odors will remain in the mouth.
  • Dehydration. A dry mouth harbors bacteria. Drinking water stimulates the flow of saliva, which flushes away smelly bacteria.
  • Gum disease. With prolonged bacterial imbalances, gum disease can occur. Bad breath, bleeding gums, and loose teeth are all symptoms of this common dental problem.
  • Tobacco use. Smoking and smokeless tobacco products cause dry mouth, gum disease, and lots of other health problems as well.
  • Other diseases. Bad breath can also be indicative of problems in the liver, kidneys, sinuses, or throat.

How to Prevent Halitosis

Young man about to brush his teeth to prevent halitosis.
Young man getting ready to brush his teeth.
  • Brush, floss, and use mouthwash after every meal. This will wash away food particles and bacteria continuously throughout the day to keep your breath fresh.
  • Visit your dentist regularly. At Marie Simon Dentistry, we will always advise you on how to maintain oral hygiene so your breath is never sour. Plus, we love to see your smile!
  • Start chewing gum. Gum helps clean up your mouth and makes it taste great instantly, too.
  • Drink more water. Dry mouth can be combated with a healthy flow of saliva, and being hydrated is good for the rest of your body!
  • Munch on apples. The acidity in apples kills off the bacteria that cause bad breath, and the high water content cleanses your mouth.
  • Put down the smokes or dip. Tobacco use is an obvious culprit for chronic halitosis, so maybe it's time to quit!

Professional Dental Assistance for Bad Breath

At Marie Simon Dentistry, we can give you professional advice on keeping bad breath away! We can show you proper brushing and flossing techniques and recommend a good mouthwash that will be sure to rid you of bad breath. We also have the knowledge to recognize when chronic halitosis may be symptomatic of something more serious. If halitosis has been an issue for you, contact us today!

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