If you frequently have difficulty sleeping or wake up at night as a result of excessive snoring, you may be experiencing sleep apnea, a common type of sleep disorder.
Sleep apnea is a type of sleep disorder that involves the disruption of regular breathing while sleeping. Further, it can cause excessive snoring and prevent individuals from getting a good night's sleep. What's more, in severe cases, can frequently block breathing which can be dangerous.
There are two main types of sleep apnea:
Because the effects of sleep apnea can only be accurately observed during sleep, the disorder can only be diagnosed while an individual is asleep. Sleep apnea is generally diagnosed by using a sleep study, which may be done at home or in a sleep center.
Untreated sleep apnea may lead to a variety of tooth issues and other health problems. Some of the oral and general health problems that may be associated with sleep apnea may include:
There are many types of sleep apnea treatments available. The symptoms of sleep apnea can range from mildly irritating to potentially life-threatening. For this reason, treatment can vary significantly based on each individual case, and it can range from simple lifestyle changes to significant medical interventions. Some possible treatments include:
At the office of Marie Simon Dentistry, we care about helping our patients develop healthy habits, which begins with getting a good night's sleep. If you think you may have sleep apnea or another sleep disorder, we are here to help. Contact us today to learn more about sleep apnea or to schedule an appointment!
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