Around half of American adults suffer from gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. Gum disease causes a plethora of oral issues from bad breath, sore and swollen gums, jaw bone deterioration, and tooth decay.
You can have gum disease and not even know it. Luckily, you can treat gum disease with the help of your dentist. Here are signs you may have gum disease; continue to seek dental treatments on the regular for checkups and cleaning to keep your mouth healthy.
Do your gums bleed when you brush your teeth or floss? Are your gums tender to the touch or feel achy throughout the day? In addition to having tender gums, the roots of your teeth may also feel tender or more sensitive, making your mouth feel like it's tight or in a small vice.
Chronic bad breath should always be checked out by your dentist, because bad breath can be a sign of oral decay. Press gently on your gums and see if your breath worsens or if a foul-tasting liquid emits from your gum tissue; if your gums are a cause of your bad breath, this small test will help confirm your suspicions.
Does your jaw feel tight and achy? You may have an oral health issue causing your jaw to feel tight or sore, and gum disease is one of these concerns. Other causes for jaw pain include teeth grinding and poor tooth alignment, so don't ignore this discomfort.
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